Thursday 11 November 2010

Me and Fine art... and sketchs

Me and Fine Art
I pull no punches in my love and opinion about fine art and art in general, it can be seen as and I know it myself that I am very close minded about art. I love art, especially well executed art. More so then anything, I love art which includes the human figure, be it in a sensitive nature, violent (not conventional violence... see MichaelAngelo) passionate, scientific, grotesque or even Erotic (not porn... see H.R. Giger, Toulouse Lautrec).

When I see a well executed form I do get a lil buzz off it. The first time I saw this :- 

Obviously It's David

I was only... I think 13, and even then I was just in awe of its scale, presence and over all majesty.

The thing that REALLY got me excited were/are pieces by my favourite all time artist, Alphonse Mucha

I'm not going to go into WHY I love him so much because I will be here all day. And I gots me some works to do.

I don't hide the fact that I have a strong distaste of "Modern art" or in general most abstract art, all though, I will step back and say that there are some abstract artists I like a lot... so i guess, some things just grab me. 

Some sketchess and annotations

I love flowing material in drawings when is done right and its something I've always found a wee bit difficult.

Something I don't do is shy away from drawing things that otherwise would be seen as "obscene" or "vulgar", and I've noticed a severe non-existence of hermaphrodites in fine art, and if there are they are normally depicted as grotesque and devilish beings. So I sketched one out and I liked it, I may take the ideas of this further in time.. who knows. I would like to do a really sympathetic and beautiful piece with using the hermaphrodite figure.

Always gotta practice your over all anatomy (and notice my page was vandalised by someone who drew a penis on it... tut... immature.)

Lil sketch, not very "fine art" but i like it never the less.

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